Sanpei Momokuri's intention to work in a government office collides with the reality he receives. At work, he's in the Special Maneuvering Division, whose job is... does not do anything!?
Inspired by Sanpei's quest to help a young boy find a turtle in a ditch, the mayor of Sakaue transforms the Special Maneuvering Division into... KAMOSHIKA...!?
(Translated from Indonesian release synopsis)
Official Release:
- Indonesian release by Elex Media Komputindo as **Kamoshika** (2006)
Niat Sanpei Momokuri bekerja di kantor pemerintahan terbentur kenyataan yang diterimanya. Di kantor, dia masuk divisi Manuver Khusus, yang kerjanya..... tidak melakukan apa-apa!? Terinspirasi melihat Sanpei yang menolong seorang anak kecil menemukan kura-kura di selokan, walikota Sakaue pun mengubah divisi Manuver Khusus menjadi... KAMOSHIKA!?