Ever since Kimichika was young, he's had a great fascination and infatuation with his grandfather's beautiful android, Dill. When his cousin Taneatsu, inherits everything, including Dill, after their grandfather's death, he makes a deal with Taneatsu to attain Dill's ownership. The condition: he has to satisfy Taneatsu in every way possible. Thus starts a complicated relationship between the three of them.
Desde que Kimichika era joven, ha sentido una gran fascinación y encaprichamiento por el hermoso androide de su abuelo, Dill. Cuando su primo, Taneatsu, lo hereda todo, incluido Dill, tras la muerte de su abuelo, hace un trato con Taneatsu para conseguir la propiedad de Dill. La condición: tiene que satisfacer a Taneatsu de todas las maneras posibles. Así comienza una complicada relación entre los tres.