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Maria, who is in an unhappy marriage with her sadistic husband, unexpectedly receives news. Her husband's half-brother, Lowell, was much younger than her husband. Maria, who had personally educated and raised him, learned that he had returned from the battlefield. Lowell, was not the small child or immature boy Maria remembered. He had the appearance of a grown man. With his appearance, a rift slowly began to appear in the seemingly peaceful Marquis Redford. Where would this relationship, which should never have begun, end?
Kiedy młoda Maria zostaje wydana za mąż za Jacquesa Redforda, bogatego szlachcica, jest wdzięczna, że wydaje się on być łagodny i wyrozumiały. Jednak posiadłość Redfordów skrywa mroczne sekrety, a życie Marii zmienia się na gorsze, gdy na jaw wychodzą sadystyczne upodobania jej męża. Nie mając nikogo, na kim mogłaby się oprzeć, Maria znajduje pocieszenie w towarzystwie nieślubnego przyrodniego brata Jacquesa, Lowella. Teraz, gdy Lowell wrócił do domu jako bohater wojenny, czy może uratować Marię przed jej okrutnym losem?
For incompetence, Lewin, a Demon-Tamer adventurer, was banished from the hero’s party. Without being acknowledged for his achievements as a commanding officer...
However, the moment he comes into contact with Sasha, the Demon King of Death, one of the sealed Seven Demon Kings, he awakens to become a Demon King with the ability to subjugate Demon Kings! Moreover, by shattering the seal, he tames the Demon King, Sasha——
Lewin, backed by Sasha, succeeds in drawing out the Demon King’s power and works to subdue all Demon Kings, the root of the strife between the humans and the demons.
An overwhelming fantasy of warriors by the boy who rules the Demon King begins.
事故で未踏破の最下層に転送されてしまった新人ダンチューバー・世迷言葉。頼れるのは配信にいるリスナーだけ!? どん底の状況から始まるダンジョン脱出冒険譚!!!
レベル2、スキルは非戦闘系、ダンジョンに関する知識ゼロ。そんな言葉が頼れるのは配信にいるリスナーだけ!! コメントを頼りに上層を目指せ!!