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The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass
Agnyeoneun Molaesigyeleul Doedollinda / The Villainess Turns the Hourglass / Злодейка, перевернувшая песочные часы / Песочные часы злодейки / 时光沙漏·逆转命运的少女 / 악녀는 모래시계를 되돌린다
sansobi / ant studio
191.2KManhwa,Shoujo(G),Fantasy,Drama,Historical,Romance,Time Travel,Villainess
The Reborn Young Lord Is an Assassin
회귀한 공작가의 막내도련님은 암살자 / Вернувшийся младший сын герцога / El asesino que retornó como el hijo del Duque / Регрессировавший сын герцога / ลูกชายคนเล็กของดยุกคือมือสังหาร / 歸來的少爺是暗殺者 / The Regressed Youngest Son of the Duke Is an Assassin / The Regressed Son of a Duke Is an Assassin / 回帰した公爵家の末息子は暗殺者 / 公爵家的重生暗杀者 / El joven señor renacido es un asesino
Swing Bat (스윙뱃) / Coffee Lime (커피라임) / REDICE Studio
51.8K🇰🇷Manhwa,Seinen(M),Super Power,Supernatural,Time Travel,Action,Adventure,Drama,Full Color,Fantasy,Demons,Adaptation,Magic,Monsters
百炼成神 / Bai Lian Cheng Shen
ranzai studio / apotheosis 712
171.7K🇨🇳Manhua,Shounen(B),Action,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Harem
The Twin Siblings’ New Life
Kehidupan Baru Si Saudara Kembar / La nouvelle vie de les jameaux / La nueva vida de los gemelos / The Twins' New Life / Перерождение близняшек Новая жизнь близнецов / 双子兄妹のニューライフ / 双胞胎兄妹的父皇是宠娃狂魔 / 쌍둥이 남매의 뉴라이프
aidela / nicca / redice studio
19589Manhwa,Drama,Full Color,Fantasy,Isekai,Reincarnation,Romance
EndChapter 159
I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead
Writing My Male Lead's Happily Ever After / Asumiré la responsabilidad / I Will Take Care of the Male Lead's Welfare / I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead / J'écrirai une fin heureuse ! / J’écrirai une fin heureuse ! / Me hare responsable del bienestar de mi esposo / 主人公の幸せ、私が責任を取ります / 我来负责男主的福利 / 男主角的幸福就包在我身上 / 남주의 복지를 책임지겠습니다
Lee Jiha / Twin Dogs / Ant Studio / Gaetteok
228🇰🇷Webtoon,Manhwa,Reincarnation,Historical,Romance,Isekai,Fantasy,Adaptation,Full Color
The Hierarch Can’t Resist His Mistresses
本教主身不由姬 / This Hierarch Persona Can’t Rest With His Harem / I Conquered A Religion, And With It Came A Harem
Bilibili / Liangzhizhu Studio
210🇨🇳Manhua,Webtoon,Shounen(B),Comedy,Fantasy,Harem,Romance,Full Color,Magic,Isekai,Supernatural
Arcana - Kyuuketsuki
ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (4) [吸血鬼] / Arcana 4 - Kyuuketsuki, Arcana - Vampire, Sleeping Vampire, Mushroom and Kappa, Crossing the River, Crossing the River, The Aegis of the Coffin of Time, Forest of Nobility, Chiyo-sama!, The Catharsis of Truth, A Gentle Temperature
Arashi Shindou / 神堂 あらし / Sora Omote / Yun Kouga / 高河 ゆん / Sakura Kinoshita / 木下 さくら / Shinobu Takayama / 高山 しのぶ / Tama Yugyoji / 遊行寺 たま / Tama Yugyouji / Yoshinori Kisaragi / 如月 芳規 / Bikke / びっけ / BK / BK0418 / Studio FZ / Shiki Kayase / 榧世 シキ / Ran Igarashi / 五十嵐 嵐 / Mame Serikawa / 芹川 豆 / Miku Inui / 乾 みく / Yashirou Saeki / 佐伯 弥四郎 / Guriko Magami / 魔神 ぐり子 / Azusa Amamiya / 天宮 あずさ
Konna Joshi wo Gyutte Shitai! Short Stories
こんな女子をぎゅってしたい! ショートストーリーズ / I Want to Hug a Girl like This! Short Stories
Idumi Kirihara / 桐原 いづみ / Izumi Kirihara / Hakone Odawara / オダワラ ハコネ / Dicca Suemitsu / すえみつ ぢっか / Dicca / Suemitsu Jikka / Mikage / 未影 / Houki Kusano / 草野 ほうき / SINIZON / Hideaki Yoshikawa / 吉川 英朗 / Hiroichi / ヒロイチ / Picotama. / Pikotama. / ぴこたま。 / Shake O / 鮭夫 / Sakeo / Nanateru / ななてる / 蓮根庵 / Renkonan / Ixy / Omina Tachibana / 立花 オミナ / Ominaeshi / オミナエシ / Shimapan / しまぱん / Mozu / もず / Peθ / Koume Fujichika / 藤近 小梅 / Sekizui Hikinuki no Kei / 脊髄引き抜きの刑 / 脳みそ園 / Noumiso-en / Hikari Fujisaki / 藤崎 ひかり / French letter / Harenochiame / ハレノチアメ / AMAYADORI+ / Nadeshiko Yamato / 大和 なでしこ / スタジオナデシコ / Studio Nadeshiko / Mosco / もすこ / Mosuko / Kouta Matsuda / まつだ こうた / Mokufuu / もくふう / Kengo Konno / 紺野 賢護 / Taku Kawamura / 川村 拓 / Mimishiki / 耳式 / Sanshirou Kasama / 笠間 三四郎 / さまさま / Samasama / Hikaru Uesugi / 植杉 光 / Deyuyama / でゆ山 / dark / だーく / Dark Side Room / だーくさいどるーむ / Yuama / ゆあま / Taishou Akatsuka / 赤塚 大将 / Hanomido / はのみど / Rie Atou / 阿東 里枝 / りえのあとりえ / Rie no Atelier / Jako / じゃこ / Yasumi Holiday / 堀出井 靖水 / Horidei Yasumi
1🇯🇵Romance,Slice of Life
Evangelion - RE-TAKE Soushuuhen Zen Nenrei Han (Doujinshi)
Evangelion - Re-Take (All-ages Version) / Evangelion - RE-TAKE Soushuuhen Zen Nenrei Han / RE-TAKE Soushuuhen Zen Nenrei Han Dai Ichishuu / RE-TAKE総集編 全年齢版 第参集
kimimaru / studio kimigabuchi
Fusion Anne / Green Forest / MG프로젝트 / Millions of Girls Project / Retrodown / Walpurgis Night
aji / studio / lee eul / michii / team gaji / 비나리 / 재라 / eun song
11Bossy President With Girlish Soul
eel studio / 岛上project / ziyan xishi
The Hierarch Can’t Resist His Mistresses
Ben Jiao Zhu Shen Bu You Ji / The master cannot resist his mistresses / This Godfather Body Can't Leave the Women / Владыка не может устоять перед любовницами / 本教主身不由姬
Liangzhizhu Studio
A Song Dwelling In The Clouds: Love Inside The Cage
A Song Dwelling In The Clouds: Love Inside The Cage / 云想之歌笼中之恋
Snap Studio
My Insanely Competent Underlings
My Insanely Competent Underlings / 내 부하들이 미친듯이 유능하다 / 家来たちがガチで優秀すぎた件 / Thuộc Hạ Cực Kỳ Tài Năng Của Tôi / 我的疯批部下超级有能力 / Nae Buhadeuri Michindeusi Yuneunghada
Ant Studio - Nocount / REDICE Studio
6🇰🇷Webtoon,Action,Comedy,Adventure,Video Games,Magic,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color
The Little Prince
Little Prince, Le Petit Prince, 小王子
Kjorelo / Si Li Studio
Comedy,Romance,School Life,Shounen ai
Studio Of Longing
Doukei no Atelier / 憧憬のアトリエ / 동경의 아틀리에
Haruyosi Hiro
Yaoi(BL),Mature,Smut,Romance,School Life
I Became The Sister Of The Time-Limited Heroine
시한부 여주의 동생이 되었다 / I Became the Younger Sister of a Dying Woman
Daon Studio / Jwittong Saettong
I Need to Raise My Sister Properly
A Sister Must Raise Her Younger Sister Properly / An Older Sister Should Raise Her Little Sister Properly / I Need to Raise My Sister Properly / The Older Sister Should Raise Her Younger Sister / 언니는 여동생을 바르게 키워야 합니다
Dok Yeon / Mana Studio
Living In A Single Room With A Saintess
Living in a Studio Condo With the Saintess / Life in a Single Room With a Saintess / Living in a Single Room With a Holy Woman / Living in a Single Room With a Saint / 성녀님과 단칸방 생활
Seong Yeon-Sil
Contract Marrying Because I Am Terminally Ill
Contract Marrying Because I Am Terminally Ill / My Time Is Limited, So I'm Contracting My Marriage / Since I Have Limited Time, I'm Having a Contract Marriage / Since It Is Time-Limited, I Will Contract Marriage / Since My Time Is Limited, I'm Entering A Contract Marriage / 시한부니까 계약 결혼 합니다
Studio Inus (스튜디오 이너스) / Ye Pul-ip / Aroffle
🇰🇷Webtoon,Romance,Fantasy,Full Color
Solo Resurrection
I Alone Resurrect / I Am Resurrected Alone / Tái Sinh Đơn Độc / Yalnız Diriliş / 나 혼자 부활한다
Parrot / Aeng Musae / Hanso / Studio Khit
The Count's Secret Maid [Official]
Kontun Gizemli Hizmetçisi / 백작가의 비밀스런 시녀님 / 伯爵家的神秘侍女
Baek Jua / Midnight Studio
37🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Full Color,Fantasy,Romance
The Missing Gate
The Missing Door / 缺一门
li shanjun / yu wu qian / ask animation studio / chang z animation
Chan shi guan ye yao tan lianai (铲屎官也要谈恋爱)
Mountain Studios.
Playboy Repents And Is Reborn Into A Complicated Relationship With Five People
Haiwang Congliang Hou Xianrule Wu Deng Fen Xiuluo Chang / Hǎiwáng Cóngliáng Hòu Xiànrùle Wǔ Děng Fēn Xiūluō Chǎng / Playboy Repents and Is Reborn Into a Complicated Relationship With Five People / Si Playboy yang Bereinkarnasi Terjebak dengan Lima Haremnya / The Playboy Has Reformed After Falling Into Five Equal Love Complex / 海王从良后陷入了五等分修罗场
Jing Yuan Studio / 鲸元社
Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Harem,Romance,Shounen ai
The Imperial Court Maiden’S Curse
Imperial Court Maiden's Curse / Mayokyuu / Mayose Kyuujo, Kokou no Futsumashi ni Hirowaremashita / Picked Up by a Solitary Exorcist / The Evil Lady / The Evil Lady, Picked Up by a Solitary Exorcist / The Imperial Court Maiden's Curse / まよきゅう / 召魔宫女 / 魔寄せ宮女、孤高の祓魔師に拾われました
Hiiragi Ichiha / Hao Jiasi / Manga Shokunin Studio