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Itsuka Kamen wo Nugu Tame ni: Warau Kishin to Yumemiru Dorei
いつか仮面を脱ぐ為に ~嗤う鬼神と夢見る奴隷~ / One Day to Take Off the Mask: A Sneering Demon-God and a Dreaming Slave
Ichirou Sakaki / 榊 一郎 / Manga UP! / Murokouichi / ムロコウイチ
Yowai 5000-nen no Soushoku Dragon, Iware naki Jaryuu Nintei
5000-Year Old Herbivorous Dragon / 5000-Year Old Vegan Dragon / A 5000-Year Old Herbivorous Dragon, Stuck with the Title "Dragon of Evil" ~ Oh Dear, This Sacrifice Just Won't Listen ~ / A gentle dragon of 5000 years old, it was recognized as an evil dragon without any cause. / Le Puissant Dragon Vegan / Weak 5000-Year Old Vegan Dragon / Yowai 5000-nen no Soshoku Doragon Iware Naki Yokoshima Ryou Nintei - Yada Kono Ikenie Hito no Hanashi o Kiite Kurenai / Yowai 5000-nen no Soushoku Dragon, Iware naki Jaryuu Nintei ~ Yada Kono Ikenie, Hito no Hanashi o Kiite Kurenai ~ / Слабый 5000-летний дракон-вегетарианец / 齢5000年の草食ドラゴン、いわれなき邪竜認定 ~やだこの生贄、人の話を聞いてくれない~
Enomoto Kaisei / Muro Kouichi